Brandon Pham

Dentist  DDS

Brandon Pham  DDS
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About Me

As a general dentist, I practice a wide variety of restorative skills, and I particularly excel in biomimetic composite restorations. You can expect to see high attention to detail in my work and treatment planning, and most importantly, a practitioner who is willing to listen to your needs.


Yoshio Yamaguchi/Academy for Excellence in Dentistry Award

Volunteer/Service Experience

LA General Medical Center OMFS, USC Mobile Clinic, The Explorer Journal Co-Author, Trojan Healthcare Network, ASDA LLC Chair District 11, Removable Prosthodontics Teaching Assistant


I enjoy traveling to new places, watching cooking tutorials on YouTube, and learning languages.

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Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of University of Southern California; Los Angeles, CA


Biochemistry, Cal Poly State Polytechnic University; Pomona, CA


Schedule with

Brandon Pham  DDS  

Schedule an appointment with us today to discover the difference of advanced, proven technologies, a full suite of services, and exceptional quality in dental care – all tailored to give you a healthier, happier smile.